Catalytic wet oxidation carried out in a continual three-phase trickle-bed
reactor contributes to the sustainability of chemical technology. It was fo
und that the hydrodynamics and the mass-transfer or reactants could have a
significant impact on the performance of the tickle-bed reactor, An aqueous
phenol oxidation was tested at different temperatures and Liquid feed rate
s and thc activities of both the CuO-supported catalyst and the extruded ac
tive carbon were compared. To avoid the impact of liquid maldistribution, a
bed of catalyst particles diluted with fine glass spheres was also used. R
ate-limited conditions of both liquid- and,eas-phase presented reactants we
re determined. Under the conditions of gas component transfer limitation, a
better wetting of the diluted catalyst bed can lead to a worsening in the
reactor performance due to the lower overall reaction rates. (C) 2001 Socie
ty of Chemical Industry.