Characterization of AfaE adhesins produced by extraintestinal and intestinal human Escherichia coli isolates: PCR assays for detection of afa adhesins that do or do not recognize Dr blood group antigens
C. Le Bouguenec et al., Characterization of AfaE adhesins produced by extraintestinal and intestinal human Escherichia coli isolates: PCR assays for detection of afa adhesins that do or do not recognize Dr blood group antigens, J CLIN MICR, 39(5), 2001, pp. 1738-1745
Operons of the afa family are expressed by pathogenic Escherichia coli stra
ins associated,vith intestinal and extraintestinal infections in humans and
animals, The recently demonstrated heterogeneity of these operons (L, Lali
oui, M, Jouve, P, Gounon, and C, Le Bouguenec, Infect. Immun, 67:5048-5059,
1999) was used to develop a new PCR assay for detecting all the operons of
the afa family with a single genetic tool. This PCR approach was validated
by investigating three collections of human E. coli isolates originating f
rom the stools of infants with diarrhea (88 strains), the urine of patients
with pyelonephritis (97 strains), and the blood of cancer patients (115 st
rains). The results obtained with this single test and those previously obt
ained with several PCR assays were closely correlated. The AfaE adhesins en
coded by the afa operons are variable, particularly with respect to the pri
mary sequence encoded by the afaE gene. The receptor binding; specificities
have not been determined for all of these adhesins; some recognize the Dr
blood group antigen (Afa/Dr(+) adhesins) on the human decay-accelerating fa
ctor (DAF) as a receptor, and others (Afa/Dr(-) adhesins) do not. Thus, the
afa operons detected in this study were characterized by subtyping the afa
E gene using specific PCRs, In addition, the DAF-binding capacities of as y
et uncharacterized AfaE adhesins were tested by various cellular approaches
. The afaE8 subtype (Afa/Dr- adhesin) was found to predominate in afa posit
ive isolates from sepsis patients (75%); it was frequent in afa-positive py
elonephritis E. coli (55.5%) and absent from diarrhea-associated strains. I
n contrast, Afa/Dr(+) strains (regardless of the afaE subtype) were associa
ted with both diarrhea (100%) and extraintestinal infections (44 and 25% in
afa-positive pyelonephritis and sepsis strains, respectively). These data
suggest that there is an association between the subtype of AfaE adhesin an
d the physiological site of the infection caused by afa-positive strains.