Farmworkers experience a lack of control over the conditions of their work
environment. In trying to reduce the effects of exposure to pesticides, mos
t health care providers give instructions to farmworkers about how to prote
ct themselves. Outreach programs that target farmworkers focus on health ed
ucation and recommend washing hands, wearing appropriate clothing, and avoi
ding direct contact. The research reported in this paper shows that farmwor
kers in North Carolina perceive many of these preventive measures to be out
side their control. The ability of farmworkers to engage in safe practices
depends on their capability to communicate with their employer, have positi
ve work relationships, and the availability of protective equipment. The pe
rceptions of control identified in this paper are issues that service provi
ders and policy makers should consider to provide programs that will effect
ively promote pesticide safety and healthier farmworkers.