The performance of alternative imaging endpoints in clinical trials can be
compared in terms of validity, rate of change, measurement precision, and c
onvenience and cost. With respect to performance magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) appears to show greater sensitivity than radiography for detecting b
one abnormalities in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In addition to monitoring c
hanges in the bones, cartilage, and synovium, MRI can directly visualize th
e full spectrum of tendon pathology, and has been shown to identify tendoni
tis and tendon rupture with greater accuracy than clinical examination. MRI
is currently, regarded to be the most sensitive imaging technique for iden
tifying trauma, infection, ischemia, and primary and secondary neoplasia of
bone. Several studies have also shown MRI to be highly sensitive for detec
ting what appeal to be bone erosions in the hands and wrists of patients wi
th RA. MRI shows remarkable promise as a tool for identifying and monitorin
g structural damage in the joints of patients with RA. MRI appears to be ab
le to identify bone erosions with greater sensitivity than radiography, and
to disclose edema-like changes in the marrow, which may precede actual ero
sion formation. As new therapies with structure modifying capabilities ente
r the clinic, the ability to identify patients appropriate for those therap
ies and then to monitor the effectiveness and safety of treatment become in
creasingly important.