For several decades writers have posited a fundamental conflict between env
ironmental protection and economic development. These arguments-linked to i
deas of either an impending catastrophe the environmentalist perspective) o
r human ingenuity and its capacity to deal with environmental threats throu
gh economic progress (the pro-development perspective)-have given rise to n
ew political movements. This has prompted established political organisatio
ns to emphasise aspects of the environmentalist discourse (like preserving
nature for future generations) and utilitarian arguments (like the recreati
onal and aesthetic value of nature). Notions of sustainable development hav
e been a pivotal feature of this response since they are founded on apparen
tly conflicting values. This paper therefore uses recent survey research to
explore the relationship between values (be they 'ecocentric' or pro-devel
opment or utilitarian) and political predispositions relating to the enviro
nment. The central findings relate to the strong link between political pre
dispositions and ecocentric or pro-development values, the weak link with u
tilitarian values, and the implications of sustainable development strategi