Ve. Larson et al., Systematic biases in the microphysics and thermodynamics of numerical models that ignore subgrid-scale variability, J ATMOS SCI, 58(9), 2001, pp. 1117-1128
A grid box in a numerical model that ignores subgrid variability has biases
in certain microphysical and thermodynamic quantities relative to the valu
es that would be obtained if subgrid-scale variability were taken into acco
unt. The biases are important because they are systematic and hence have cu
mulative effects. Several types of biases are discussed in this paper. Name
ly, numerical models that employ convex autoconversion formulas underpredic
t (or, more precisely, never overpredict) autoconversion rates, and numeric
al models that use convex functions to diagnose specific liquid water conte
nt and temperature underpredict these latter quantities. One may call these
biases the "grid box average autoconversion bias,'' "grid box average liqu
id water content bias, '' and "grid box average temperature bias, '' respec
tively, because the biases arise when grid box average values are substitut
ed into formulas valid at a point, not over an extended volume. The existen
ce of these biases can be derived from Jensen's inequality.
To assess the magnitude of the biases, the authors analyze observations of
boundary layer clouds. Often the biases are small, but the observations dem
onstrate that the biases can be large in important cases.
In addition, the authors prove that the average liquid water content and te
mperature of an isolated, partly cloudy, constant-pressure volume of air ca
nnot increase, even temporarily. The proof assumes that liquid water conten
t can be written as a convex function of conserved variables with equal dif
fusivities. The temperature decrease is due to evaporative cooling as cloud
y and clear air mix. More generally, the authors prove that if an isolated
volume of fluid contains conserved scalars with equal diffusivities, then t
he average of any convex, twice-differentiable function of the conserved sc
alars cannot increase.