Statistical inference about tumorigenesis should focus on the tumour incide
nce rate. Unfortunately, in most animal carcinogenicity experiments, tumour
s are not observable in live animals and censoring of the tumour onset time
s is informative. In this paper. we propose a Bayesian method for analysing
data from such studies. Our approach focuses on the incidence of tumours a
cid accommodates occult tumours and censored onset times without restrictin
g tumour lethality, relying on cause-of-death data, or requiring interim sa
crifices. We represent the underlying state of nature by a multistate stoch
astic process and assume general probit models for the time-specific transi
tion rates. These models allow the incorporation of covariates, historical
control data and subjective prior information. The inherent flexibility of
this approach facilitates the interpretation of results, particularly when
the sample size is small or the data are sparse. We use a Gibbs sampler to
estimate the relevant poster[or distributions. The methods proposed are app
lied to data from a US National Toxicology Program carcinogenicity study.