Preservation education programs are increasingly focused on the impact of t
raining on improving and implementing preservation practices in cultural in
stitutions. In spring 1996, the Southeastern Library Network's (SOLINET) Pr
eservation Services launched a Workshop Follow-Up program designed to measu
re the effects of training, provide ongoing support, and develop a long-ter
m ongoing mechanism for evaluating workshop effectiveness. After collecting
more than three years of qualitative and quantitative data, the study foun
d that 94% of the follow-up program participants performed some type of act
ion to improve the care of their institution's collections in the months fo
llowing the workshop. In addition, the program created an atmosphere that e
ncouraged participants to use workshop information to effect change in thei
r institution and contact SOLINET for further assistance. In fact, informat
ion and referral queries received by Preservation Services increased during
this period due to questions generated from the follow-up contacts. Partic
ipants continually express appreciation about being contacted after the wor
kshop, which serves as a reminder of the importance of preservation activit