We believe anorexia nervosa is the result of a disruption in bioenergy home
ostasis induced by lipid dysregulation. This disruption has two major deter
minants: (1) a biological predisposition to primary multihormonal disharmon
y linked to post-pubertal growth and development; and (2) an acquired abnor
mal lipid-induced loop operation precipitated by inappropriate diet. We pre
sent a step-by-step model describing the cascade of disorders that culminat
es in anorexia nervosa: defective digestion and absorption of essential fat
ty acids; diversion of lipids from adipose cells into bloodstream; defectiv
e carbohydrate and lipid metabolism which modifies the blood brain barrier;
neuroendocrine membrane alteration causing severe endocrine impairment; ch
anges in the negative feedback mechanism which escalate the body's use of b
ioenergy; derangement of the appetite center which causes a constant sensat
ion of satiety; replacement of the correct body image with the premorbid on
e that encourages poor judgement concerning food intake and self-support. T
he loop-like nature of this mechanism perpetuates the disease. (C) 2001 Har
court Publishers Ltd.