Background: Considerable evidence suggests the role of an infectious agent
in MS. The presence of Chlamydophila pneumoniae in CSF from patients with M
S was shown earlier; to further examine this association the reactivity of
the oligoclonal antibody response in the CSF of patients with MS to C pneum
oniae antigens was determined and compared with other antigens. Methods: Se
venteen patients with MS and 14 control subjects with other neurologic dise
ase were studied. Affinity-driven immunoblot studies and solid-phase adsorp
tion of CSF oligoclonal bands by elementary body antigens of C pneumoniae,
viral antigens (measles and herpes simplex virus-1), bacterial antigen (Esc
herichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus), and heat shock protein-60 were pe
rformed. Results: Affinity-driven immunoblot studies demonstrated reactivit
y of oligoclonal bands in CSF samples from 16 patients with MS against elem
entary body antigens of C pneumoniae. None of the control subjects showed a
prominent reactivity to elementary body antigens of C pneumoniae. In 14 of
17 patients with MS examined, oligoclonal bands were adsorbed either parti
ally or completely from the CSF by elementary body antigens of C pneumoniae
, but not by myelin basic protein, heat shock protein-60, or bacterial or v
iral antigens. In three patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
adsorption of oligoclonal bands was seen with measles virus antigens but no
t with elementary body antigens of C pneumoniae. Conclusions: Oligoclonal b
ands in CSF of patients with MS include antibodies against Chlamydophila an