Objective: To determine the benefits of antenatal diagnoses of fetal aneupl
oidy in women who continued their pregnancies.
Methods: A questionnaire was mailed to 51 mothers of children with aneuploi
dy. Women whose fetuses were diagnosed prenatally comprised the study group
and those whose infants were diagnosed at birth were controls. Outcomes me
asured included an assessment of pregnancy management, neonatal outcome, su
bjective measures of depression and anxiety, and evaluation of women's emot
ional and physical experience of the pregnancy. For outcomes measured by no
nparametric survey questions, 20 women were needed in each arm to achieve a
power of 80% to detect a 2-point difference on a 6-point scale; for our ne
onatal outcomes, 100 women were needed in each arm to achieve 80% power to
detect a difference in length of stay (less than 1 week versus greater than
1 week) or need for surgery.
Results: Thirty-eight women (75%) responded. Most (86%) had children with t
risomy 21. Seventeen women (45%) received their child's diagnosis at birth;
21 (55%) had prenatal diagnoses. Demographic measures were similar except
that women with prenatal diagnoses attended religious services more frequen
tly (1-3 times per month versus once to several times per year, P = .04). W
omen with prenatal diagnosis had better perceptions of their physical exper
ience of pregnancy (median score of 10 versus 6 on a 10-point visual analog
scale, P = .005) and their emotional experience of the birth (median score
of 7.5 versus 2, P = .001). Mental Health Inventory scores were similar be
tween groups. Neonates without prenatal diagnoses were more likely to be tr
ansferred to tertiary centers after birth (70% versus 24%, P = .004); lengt
hs of hospital stays and need for surgery were similar. Seventy-one percent
(95% confidence interval [CI] 48, 89%) of women with prenatal diagnoses sa
id they would have done nothing differently in the pregnancy compared with
29% (95% CI 10, 56%) of women with diagnoses at birth.
Conclusion: Early knowledge of fetal aneuploidy is beneficial to women who
continue their pregnancies. These results might be useful when counseling w
omen who do not intend to terminate abnormal pregnancies, but are consideri
ng prenatal diagnosis. (Obstet Gynecol 2001;97:729-33. (C) 2001 by The Amer
ican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.).