The recombination process of electric charges induced by stress release has
been measured fur cement samples embedded within quartz crystals to invest
igate the behavior of piezo-compensating charges in quartz-bearing rocks. T
he stress with a release constant tau of sigma (t) = Delta sigmae(-t/tau) l
ed to a theoretical pulse charge density q(t) = alpha Delta sigma{epsilonp/
(tau - epsilon rho)} (e(-t/tau) - e(-t/epsilon rho)), where alpha, epsilon
and rho are the piezoelectric coefficient. permittivity and resistivity, re
spectively. The induced charges appeared on a sample measured with non-cont
acting electrodes depending on the number and orientation of synthetic quar
tz crystals, and two decay time constants of 0.25 and 2.5 s were obtained.
The apparent piezoelectric coefficient for a sample with one piece of quart
z was 1.0 x 10(-15) C/N. However, the coefficients fur samples with two pie
ces of quartz, which were arranged in the same or alternate directions, wer
e 4.1 x 10(-15) and 1.7 x 10(-15) C/N, respectively. The behavior of piezo-
compensating charges around quartz crystals in conductive cement suggests f
erroelectric charge migration through the measurements of depolarization cu