Endemic zones: Strongyloidiasis is an intestinal parasitosis Which is frequ
ently found in tropical and subtropical regions.
Risk: The "autoinfection" cycle during this helminthiasis explains why the
infection can be perpetuated without further exposure to exogenous, infecti
ve larvae. Hyperinfection may occur by dissemination oi Strongyloides sterc
oralis in immune-compromised patients, particularly those under corticother
Disseminatated strongyloidiasis: Disseminated strongyloidiasis is character
ized by severe gastrointestinal and respiratory tract involvement, meningit
is, skin rash, or Cram-negative bacteremia. Since disseminated strongyloidi
asis is fatal in 80% of cases it is imperative to diagnose and treat this c
ondition before long-term corticotherapy. Ivermectin is currently recommand
ed because it is effective and well tolerated. (C) 2001, Masson, Paris.