The delayed luminescence was applied to detect the intermediate processes o
f the excited-state decay in the selectively excited phycobiliproteins. Pho
sphorescence spectra of the five types of phycobiliproteins, R-PE, CPC, APC
, R-PC, PEC were reported in this article. The five phycobiliproteins showe
d different phosphorescence yields, the sequence of which was the same as t
hat of the singlet oxygen yields. Based on the observation, it can be concl
uded that each of the chromophores possesses a characteristic phosphorescen
ce emission. The delayed luminescence spectra of APC at different aggregati
on states (trimer, monomer and denatured APC) are researched. The lower agg
regation APC showed less phosphorescence because of relative loose structur
es and less interaction with the surrounding proteins, while the denatured
APC showed delayed fluorescence instead of phosphorescence because of tripl
et-triplet annihilation.