We review species richness in major organism groups, mainly using examples
from northern Europe. A high proportion of these species is forest living,
and large numbers are dependent on decaying wood. Biodiversity can be asses
sed at various scales using two different principles. One is to use feature
s. such as ancient and dead trees, known to be important for a large number
of species. The other method is to choose species or groups of species kno
wn to indicate high biodiversity or presence of many red-listed species. We
argue that any serious biodiversity assessment method should include the m
ost species rich organism groups, for example insects. In the present paper
we point out the most important features for high biodiversity (old trees
and large dead trees), and review the quantities of these features in near-
virgin forests. The natural disturbance regime of a region should be the ba
sis for defining a suitable scale and the appropriate features for biodiver
sity assessment. Possible indicator species for high biodiversity in northe
rn Europe are suggested. based on previous investigations. Among epiphytic
lichens and wood-living beetles there are many potentially useful species i
n addition to vascular plants in the nemoral forest. Among vertebrates, woo
dpeckers and grouses seem to be the most useful. Validation tests for indic
ator structures and species are largely lacking but urgently needed. The im
plications of possible delayed local extinctions tire important to bear in
mind when managing for sustainable forestry. The knowledge of forest histor
y is useful when developing cost-efficient measures.