Selecting an instructive story from a video case base is an informatio
n retrieval problem, but standard indexing and retrieval techniques [1
] were not developed with such applications in mind. The classical mod
el assumes a passive retrieval system queried by interested and well-i
nformed users, In educational situations, students cannot be expected
to form appropriate queries or to identify their own ignorance. System
s that teach must, therefore, be active retrievers that formulate thei
r own retrieval cues and reason about the appropriateness of intervent
ion. The Story Producer for InteractivE Learning (SPIEL) is an active
retrieval system for recalling stories to tell to students who are lea
rning social skills in a simulated environment [2,3]. SPIEL is a compo
nent of the Guided Social Simulation (GuSS) architecture [4] used to b
uild YELLO, a program that teaches account executives the fine points
of selling Yellow Pages advertising. SPIEL uses structured, conceptual
indices derived from research in case-based reasoning [5,6]. SPIEL's
manually-created indices are detailed representations of what stories
are about, and they are needed to make precise assessments of stories'
relevance. SPIEL's opportunistic retrieval architecture operates in t
wo phases. During the storage phase, the system uses its educational k
nowledge encapsulated in a library of ''storytelling strategies'' to d
etermine, for each story, what an opportunity to tell that story would
look like. During the retrieval phase, the system tries to recognize
those opportunities while the student interacts with the simulation. T
his design is similar to ''opportunistic memory'' architectures propos
ed for opportunistic planning [7,8]. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.