We drew upon findings from the diffusion literature to assess the prospects
for the diffusion of expert systems in forecasting. Forecasters judged pot
ential adoption of expert systems in relation to two techniques that had be
en widely adopted in the past, Box-Jenkins and scenarios. They also rated e
ach technique on seven innovation characteristics: relative advantage, comp
atibility, divisibility, communicability, complexity: product risks, and ps
ychological risks. Thr respondents were classified hv four forecaster roles
: researcher, educator, practitioner, and decision maker. In general, the e
xpected probabilities of adoption for expert systems were slightly higher t
han for the two other techniques. Additionally, the respondents rated exper
t systems nearly equivalent to Box-Jenkins and scenarios on relative advant
age and communicability. In relating the probabilities of adoption to the c
haracteristic ratings, the groups perceived significant negative psychologi
cal and product risks with expert systems. However the experts, especially
practitioners and decision makers. rated expert systems positive on compati
bility, divisibility, and communicability, so it map be desirable to ensure
that these positive traits are stressed with potential adopters, especiall
y researchers and educators. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.