Though skeptics will argue that a solid business plan and high-profit margi
n are of greater benefit, Richard Chang believes that passion is the compet
itive advantage that turns a good organization into a great one. in this ar
ticle, he gives a nod of the head to companies that not only acknowledge th
e importance of tried-and-true business principles, but also prioritize pas
sion over protocol.
Chang notes that when members of an organization are united by a common pas
sion, they perform at a heightened level and exude an excitement that attra
cts customers and employees and wins their loyalty. To make the changes nec
essary to become passion-driven, Chang suggests the following seven steps:
1. Start from the heart.
2. Discover core passions.
3. Clarify purpose.
4. Define actions.
5. Perform with passion.
6. Spread excitement.
7. Stay the course.
Given the current challenges that organizations face in the economy worldwi
de, it's vital that they harness the power of their people's vitality, crea
tivity, and energy-in a nutshell, their passions. Because when people are e
xcited about their organization and passionate about what they do, the bene
fits are tremendous.