The distribution of shrimp is modeled through the use of locally weighted r
egression based on survey data. Multivariate local regression was successfu
lly employed to generate distributional surfaces and to construct approxima
te F-tests for three shrimp species found in waters off Kuwait: Penaeus sem
isulcatus, Metapenaeus affinis, and Parapenaeopsis stylifera. Distributiona
l differences among the three species can be clearly visualized with local
regression maps. Penaeus semisulcatus is distributed throughout the survey
waters; M. affinis and P. stylifera are primarily concentrated in waters no
rthward from 29.1 degreesN latitude. Because Kuwait Bay has a high density
of small shrimp representing all three species, it may be regarded as a nur
sery ground. A second nursery ground for P. semisulcatus was possibly ident
ified in the southern coastal waters of Kuwait.