Self-consistent modelling of a 68 Angstrom quantum well separate confi
nement heterostructure device lasing at 670 nm has been used to invest
igate the variation of threshold current with temperature. The authors
have obtained a fit to experimental data using data from the literatu
re and calculated that the threshold current at room temperature is 69
8 Acm(-2), 98% of this is recombination in the well and 2% is carrier
loss. At 400K, the threshold current density is 2713 Acm(-2), 41% of t
his is spontaneous emission in the well, 54% is carrier leakage throug
h the p-cladding layer, 3% is spontaneous recombination from the waveg
uide core and 1% is non-radiative recombination from the waveguide cor
e. The model has also been used to investigate band edge spikes at het
erojunctions and the effects of band bending in the well region on the
gain/current relation and carrier leakage.