The fact that germ cell tumors can be successfully managed puts an extraord
inary burden on the physician and health care system to ensure that the pro
mise of cure is achieved in all patients except the small proportion that p
resent with advanced refractory disease. Good risk disseminated disease sho
uld be treated with three cycles of bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (BEP
) whereas those with more advanced disease should receive four cycles. Post
chemotherapy resection of residual disease is commonly required. In patient
s in whom disease recurs after primary chemotherapy, salvage treatments can
result in cure in 30-40% of patients. Physicians managing these patients s
hould be aware of some of the pitfalls encountered when determining relapse
and should be versed in the indications for salvage conventional dose chem
otherapy, high dose chemotherapy, and the role of aggressive desperation su