Knowledge is globally institutionalized as three differentiated and interpe
netrating social institutions: education as a social institution for transm
itting humankind's existing knowledge, science as a social institution for
creating new knowledge that becomes a global public good and technology as
a social institution for creating new knowledge that becomes privately appr
opriated These three social institutions are governed by a global regime th
at is anchored in a web of organizations that through an epistemic communit
y of analysts of knowledge, formulates and promulgates policies for knowled
ge. In education, the regime promotes transmission of existing knowledge to
youth through schooling and also through the movement of students around t
he world. In science, the regime supports creation and diffusion of new kno
wledge around the world through open publication In technology the regime p
romotes private appropriation of new knowledge through property rights in t
he form of patenting, which is increasingly global.