Using whole cell patch-clamp recordings, we investigated the effects of the
GABA(B) receptor agonist baclofen in thin slices of rat brain stem contain
ing identified gastric- or intestinal-projecting dorsal motor nucleus of th
e vagus (DMV) neurons. Perfusion with baclofen (0.1-100 muM) induced a conc
entration-dependent outward current (EC50, 3 muM) in 54% of DMV neurons wit
h no apparent differences between gastric- and intestinal-projecting neuron
s. The outward current was attenuated by pretreatment with the selective GA
BA(B) antagonists saclofen and 2-hydroxysaclofen, but not by the synaptic b
locker TTX, indicating a direct effect at GABA(B) receptors on DMV neurons.
Using the selective ion channel blockers barium, nifedipine, and apamin, w
e showed that the outward current was due to effects on potassium and calci
um currents as well as calcium-dependent potassium currents. The calcium-me
diated components of the outward current were more prominent in intestinal-
projecting neurons than in gastric- projecting neurons. These data indicate
that although baclofen inhibits both intestinal- and gastric-projecting ne
urons in the rat DMV, its mechanism of action differs among the neuronal su