This article describes the development and application of a new electrochem
ical methodology based on potential-modulated UV-vis reflectance spectrosco
py (PMRS). The device configuration is based upon a thin-layer flow-through
channel cell incorporating a platinum working electrode. Reagent solutions
are pumped through the cell under well-defined hydrodynamic conditions and
electrolyzed at the platinum working electrode. Measurements are presented
for linear sweep and fixed de potentials with a superimposed small amplitu
de sinusoidal potential perturbation. A UV-vis source is employed to irradi
ate the electrode region, and the resulting reflected signal is analyzed us
ing a phase sensitive detector. Experimental studies using tris(4-bromophen
yl) amine (TBPA) in acetonitrile are presented which quantify the relations
hip between the absorption spectrum and reflected light intensity as a func
tion of the transport rate, electrolysis reactions, and the modulation freq
uency of the incident irradiation. The experimental results are analyzed us
ing numerical simulations based on a finite difference strategy. These perm
it the quantitative prediction of the concentration distribution of reagent
s within the cell. A fast Fourier transform (FFT) routine was used to analy
ze the frequency response of the numerically predicted reflectance signal.
Excellent agreement was observed between the numerical predictions and expe
rimental observations.