Rapid, small surveys are routinely done in much of the developing world but
are less common in the United States. We present as an example a rapid sur
vey of immunization status and other factors in a predominantly Hispanic re
gion in Los Angeles. The survey united county employees, students, and comm
unity volunteers, first to enumerate the eligible population and then to co
nduct in-person interviews. Sampling was done in two stages in a downtown r
egion of Los Angeles. Over the course of two weekends and during clean-up t
he following week, volunteers and others enumerated 718 eligible children i
n 30 clusters (i.e. groups of blocks). At the second stage, also in two wee
kends with midweek clean-up, we selected by simple random sample 10 childre
n per cluster. The parents or legal guardians of 270 children were intervie
wed about vaccination issues, including home presence of an immunization ca
rd. Nearly one fourth of the respondents did not have a home telephone numb
er and thus would have been underrepresented in a telephone survey. Informa
tion from such rapid surveys is important for local program planning and ev