The region studied includes the Laurentian Great Lakes and a diversity
of smaller glacial lakes, streams and wetlands south of permanent per
mafrost and towards the southern extent of Wisconsin glaciation. We em
phasize lakes and quantitative implications. The region is warmer and
wetter than it has been over most of the last 12000 years. Since 1911
observed air temperatures have increased by about 0.11 degrees C per d
ecade in spring and 0.06 degrees C in winter; annual precipitation has
increased by about 2.1% per decade. Ice thaw phenologies since the 18
50s indicate a late winter warming of about 2.5 degrees C. In future s
cenarios for a doubled CO2 climate, air temperature increases in summe
r and winter and precipitation decreases (summer) in western Ontario b
ut increases (winter) in western Ontario, northern Minnesota, Wisconsi
n and Michigan. Such changes in climate have altered and would further
alter hydrological and other physical features of lakes. Warmer clima
tes, i.e. 2 x CO2 climates, would lower net basin water supplies, stre
am flows and water levels owing to increased evaporation in excess of
precipitation. Water levels have been responsive to drought and future
scenarios for the Great Lakes simulate levels 0.2 to 2.5 m lower. Hum
an adaptation to such changes is expensive. Warmer climates would decr
ease the spatial extent of ice cover on the Great Lakes; small lakes,
especially to the south, would no longer freeze over every year. Tempe
rature simulations for stratified lakes are 1-7 degrees C warmer for s
urface waters, and 6 degrees C cooler to 8 degrees C warmer for deep w
aters. Thermocline depth would change (4 m shallower to 3.5 m deeper)
with warmer climates alone; deepening owing to increases in light pene
tration would occur with reduced input of dissolved organic carbon (DO
G) from dryer catchments. Dissolved oxygen would decrease below the th
ermocline. These physical changes would in turn affect the phytoplankt
on, zooplankton, benthos and fishes. Annual phytoplankton production m
ay increase but many complex reactions of the phytoplankton community
to altered temperatures, thermocline depths, light penetrations and nu
trient inputs would be expected. Zooplankton biomass would increase, b
ut, again, many complex interactions are expected. Generally, the ther
mal habitat for warm-, cool- and even cold-water fishes would increase
in size in deep stratified lakes, but would decrease in shallow unstr
atified lakes and in streams. Less dissolved oxygen below the thermocl
ine of lakes would further degrade stratified lakes for cold water fis
hes. Growth and production would increase for fishes that are now in t
hermal environments cooler than their optimum but decrease for those t
hat are at or above their optimum, provided they cannot move to a deep
er or headwater thermal refuge. The zoogeographical boundary for fish
species could move north by 500-600 km; invasions of warmer water fish
es and extirpations of colder water fishes should increase. Aquatic ec
osystems across the region do not necessarily exhibit coherent respons
es to climate changes and variability, even if they are in close proxi
mity. Lakes, wetlands and streams respond differently, as do fakes of
different depth or productivity. Differences in hydrology and the posi
tion in the hydrological flow system, in terrestrial vegetation and la
nd use, in base climates and in the aquatic biota can all cause differ
ent responses. Climate change effects interact strongly with effects o
f other human-caused stresses such as eutrophication, acid precipitati
on, toxic chemicals and the spread of exotic organisms. Aquatic ecolog
ical systems in the region are sensitive to climate change and variati
on. Assessments of these potential effects are in an early stage and c
ontain many uncertainties in the models and properties of aquatic ecol
ogical systems and of the climate system. (C) 1997 by John Wiley B Son
s, Ltd.