Emissions of polychlorinated dibenzodioxin and dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) result
from inefficiencies of combustion processes, most typically waste combusti
on. Uncontrolled combustion, such as occurs during so-called "backyard burn
ing" of domestic waste; may therefore produce optimal conditions for format
ion and emission of PCDD/F. However, few assessments of PCDD/F emissions ar
e available from these sources. This work describes the first known compreh
ensive assessment of PCDD/F emissions from uncontrolled, domestic waste bur
ning. Emissions were copious, but highly variable, ranging over several ord
ers of magnitude. The potential for emissions appears to be related primari
ly to combustion parameters and concentrations of various gas-phase species
, the latter which may be affected by changes in waste composition, waste o
rientation, and/or combustion conditions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. Al
l rights reserved.