We used a multiple-baseline-across-participants design to assess acquisitio
n of a picture prompt strategy by two high school students with severe disa
bilities. We also examined the relation of students' task initiation to tas
k completion. Participants were taught to perform job tasks wing a two-step
process: lei touching a picture to prompt initiation of a task and (b) tur
ning a picture in a booklet to indicate task completion. Data were collecte
d on participants' use of the picture prompt strategy and their task initia
tions and completions. To assess transfer of the discriminative stimulus fr
om a trainer to the picture cues, trainer prompts were also measured. Findi
ngs indicated that as participants acquired the picture prompt strategy, th
eir independent task initiations increased The relation between the use of
picture prompts and task completion was less clear for one participant. Fac
tors related to acquisition of picture prompting by individuals with severe
disabilities are discussed, and recommendations are made for future resear
ch and practice.