Seafood is tasty, healthy,and a good source of fat, proteins and miner
als. The welfare of the fish, which influences its quality, is of conc
ern to consumers and farmers of seafoods, who are seeking to minimize
the use of drugs and the infliction of stress. Processors of seafoods
also need to develop new products, technologies, packaging materials a
nd ways of thinking,to fulfil legislative and market demands for fresh
, easy to prepare, safe food products,with consistent quality and pric
e. Unfortunately,these new processes render the original species unide
ntifiable by eye in the final product, which opens the way for substit
ution of expensive species by cheaper ones of similar characteristics.
New challenges to the consumer emerge from the use of molecular biolo
gy techniques for the production of novel species, and improvements in
technologies for embryonic development. Molecular biology techniques,
fortunately,will also help to identify the origin of these species. O
ur advice: read the label... and eat seafoods!