This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of astaxanthin supp
lemented steam-dry pellets on the spawning of striped jack Pseudocaranx den
tex. Five months before spawning, 7-year-old fish were divided into three g
roups, each consisting of five females and five males. The control group wa
s fed a raw fish mix (RF) and the test diets consisted of steam-dry pellets
(DP) and steam-dry pellets supplemented with 10 p.p.m. astaxanthin (a-DP).
Feeding was carried out once per day, three times a week in floating net c
ages. The RF and the a-DP groups produced more than three times the amount
of eggs produced by the DP group. The buoyancy, fertilization, and hatching
rates were higher and similar for the RF and the DP groups. Total lipid co
ntents of the diets, eggs, and larvae were similar among the groups. Highly
unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 HUFA) and polar and non-polar lipids in eggs
and larvae were also related to their dietary availability. These results i
ndicate that astaxanthin, due to its various physiological functions, impro
ved the condition of the broodstock and enhanced total egg production but n
ot egg quality as striped jack do not incorporate carotenoids into their eg
gs. Therefore we confirm that the nutritional quality of diets given to str
iped jack prior to spawning plays a fundamental role in egg production, qua
lity and egg composition.