A high frequency of type II restriction endonuclease activities was detecte
d in Selenomonas ruminantium but not In other rumen bacteria tested Eight d
ifferent restriction endonucleases were characterized in 17 strains coming
from genetically homogeneous local population, Chromosomal DNA isolated fro
m S. ruminantium strains was found to be refractory to cleavage by various
restriction enzymes, implying the pre- sence of methylase activities additi
onal to those required for protection against the cellular endonucleases Th
e presence of Dam methylation was detected in S ruminantium strains as well
as in several other species belonging to the Sporomusa subbranch of low G
+ C Gram-positive bacteria (Megasphaera elsdenii, Mitsuokella multiacidus).