Objective: We analyzed whether the outcome of in vitro fertilization and em
bryo transfer (IVF-ET) could be predicted on the basis of age, endometrial
thickness, embryo quality, and tubal status.
Methods: We prospectively analyzed the outcome of IVF-ET in 562 women accor
ding to age (less than or equal to 40 vs. > 40 years), endometrial thicknes
s (< 9 vs. <greater than or equal to> 9 mm), embryo quality (embryo score 4
vs. < 4), and tubal status (presence or absence of hydrosalpinx). Patients
were categorized into three groups. The favorable group comprised 350 wome
n <less than or equal to> 40 years, with no hydrosalpinx, endometrial thick
ness greater than or equal to 9 mm, and an embryo score of 4. The intermedi
ate group comprised 177 women who did not fulfill one of these four criteri
a and the unfavorable group 35 women who did not meet two or more of the cr
iteria. Implantation rates per transferred embryo, pregnancy rates, multipl
e pregnancy rates, endometrial thickness, abnormal oocytes, number of oocyt
es obtained for ET and freezing, number of retrieved oocytes, highest grade
embryo for transfer, mean age, and levels of estradiol, FSH and LH at base
line were noted.
Results: The implantation rates in the three groups were 18%, 4.9% and 0.7%
, respectively (p = 0.0001). The total pregnancy rates were 41%, 21% and 5.
7% (p = 0.0001) and the ongoing pregnancy rates were 35%, 11% and 0.7%, res
Conclusion: These results suggest that age, endometrial thickness, tubal st
atus, and embryo quality are relevant to the outcome of IVF-ET.