A new mechanism of polarization switching and electron emission in fer
roelectric cathodes is proposed. Surface flashover plasma of a ferroel
ectric origin was observed on a polar ferroelectric surface [D. Shur,
G. Rosenman, and Ya. E. Krasik, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 574 (1997)]. Sim
ultaneous measurements of switched charge and plasma density show that
expanding surface plasma represents a dynamic switching electrode. Di
rect measurements of ion/electron emission currents and surface analys
is implemented by different analytic tools indicate that electrons and
ions from the surface plasma contribute to spontaneous polarization s
creening. The high energy of charged particles emitted from the surfac
e plasma is ascribed to a high surface potential juring polarization s
witching. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.