The experimental data on the formation of a stable proton beam with a 70-Ge
V/c momentum extracted from the U-70 accelerator (Protvino) to the 14th cha
nnel with a bent silicon crystal (under conditions of operation of several
setups) are presented. The beam is intended for the RAMPEX experimental fac
ility with a polarized target. The beam intensity, angular divergence, and
spot size on the target should be at least 5 x 10(6) protons per cycle, bel
ow 2.5 mrad, and no larger than 10 (horizontal) and 14 (vertical) mm, respe
ctively. The results obtained show that the beam is stable in the single ex
traction mode, but its dimensions are slightly larger than those required b
y the experiment. An instability of the beam is observed when the beam is e
xtracted to several experimental setups in parallel. Further investigations
art: planned in order to optimize the position and parameters of the silic
on single crystal.