We report the first documented case of a primary leiomyoma of the pancreas.
A 72-yr-old female patient was admitted to our hospital for the follow-up
of a pancreatic tumor detected 2 yr previously at a different hospital. Dia
gnostic images revealed the presence of a tumor located in the head of the
pancreas. The tumor was characterized hy a clear margin, hypervascularity,
and was a homogenous mass. Moreover, the tumor had not changed in size or c
haracteristics since a previous computed tomography (CT) scan performed 2 y
r previously. The tumor was preoperatively diagnosed as a nonfunctional isl
et-cell tumor or papillary cystic tumor, During the operation, the tumor wa
s found to be encapsulated and showed no signs of direct invasion to neighb
oring structure. Tumorous lesions of the liver or swellings of the neighbor
ing lymph nodes suggesting metastasis were not found. Instead of a pancreat
oduodenectomy, the tumor was enucleated. Microscopically, immunohistochemic
al studies of a resected specimen indicated a myogenic origin, and neither
mitotic activity nor hemorrhagic and necrotic findings were recognized. No
signs of recurrence have been seen since its excision. Accordingly, the tum
or was diagnosed as a primary leiomyoma of the pancreas.