Jl. Pearce et al., Incorporating expert opinion and fine-scale vegetation mapping into statistical models of faunal distribution, J APPL ECOL, 38(2), 2001, pp. 412-424
1. Abiotic environmental predictors and broad-scale vegetation have been us
ed widely to model the regional distributions of faunal species within fore
sted regions of Australia. These models have been developed using stepwise
statistical procedures but incorporate only limited expert involvement of t
he type sometimes advocated in distribution modelling. The objectives of th
is study were twofold. First, to evaluate techniques for incorporating fine
-scaled vegetation and growth-stage mapping into models of species distribu
tion. Secondly, to compare methods that incorporate expert opinion directly
into statistical models derived using stepwise statistical procedures.
2. Using faunal data from north-east New South Wales, Australia, logistic r
egression models using fine-scale vegetation and expert opinion were compar
ed with models employing only abiotic and broad vegetation variables.
3. Vegetation and growth-stage information was incorporated into models of
species distribution in two ways, both of which used expert opinion to deri
ve new explanatory variables. The first approach amalgamated fine-scaled ve
getation classes into broader classes of ecological relevance to fauna. In
the second approach, ordinal habitat indices were derived from vegetation a
nd growth-stage mapping using rules specified by an expert panel. These ind
ices described habitat features thought to be relevant to the faunal groups
studied (e.g. tree hollow availability, fleshy fruit production). Landscap
e composition was calculated using these new variables within a 500-m and 2
-km radius of each site. Each habitat index generated a spatially neutral v
ariable and two spatial context variables.
4. Expert opinion was incorporated during the pre-modelling, model-fitting
and post-modelling stages. At the pre-modelling stage experts developed new
explanatory variables based on mapped fine-scale vegetation and growth-sta
ge information. At the model-fitting stage an expert panel selected a subse
t of potential explanatory variables from the available set. At the post-mo
delling stage expert opinion modified or refined maps of predicted species
distribution generated by statistical models. For comparative purposes expe
rt opinion was also used to develop maps of species distribution by definin
g rules within a geographical information system, without the aid of statis
tical modelling.
5. Predictive accuracy was not improved significantly by incorporating habi
tat indices derived by applying expert opinion to fine-scaled vegetation an
d growth-stage mapping. Use of expert input at the pre-modelling stage to d
erive and select potential explanatory variables therefore does not provide
more information than that provided by remotely mapped vegetation.
6. The incorporation of expert opinion at the model-fitting or post-modelli
ng stages resulted in small but insignificant gains in predictive accuracy.
The predictive accuracy of purely expert models was less than that achieve
d by approaches based on statistical modelling.
7. The study, one of few available evaluations of expert opinion in models
of species distribution, suggests that expert modification of fitted statis
tical models should be confined to species for which models are grossly in
error, or for which insufficient data exist to construct solely statistical