In Escherichia coli, the expression of fatty acid metabolic genes is contro
lled by the transcription factor, FadR, The affinity of FadR for DNA is con
trolled by long chain acyl-CoA molecules, which bind to the protein and mod
ulate gene expression. The crystal structure of FadR reveals a two domain d
imeric molecule where the N-terminal domains bind DNA, and the C-terminal d
omains bind acyl-CoA. The DNA binding domain has a winged-helix motif, and
the C-terminal domain resembles the sensor domain of the Tet repressor, The
FadR DNA complex reveals how the protein interacts with DNA and specifical
ly recognizes a palindromic sequence. Structural and functional similaritie
s to the Tet repressor and the BmrR transcription factors suggest how the b
inding of the acyl-CoA effector molecule to the C-terminal domain may affec
t the DNA binding affinity of the N-terminal domain. We suggest that the bi
nding of acyl-CoA disrupts a buried network of charged and polar residues i
n the C-terminal domain, and the resulting conformational change is transmi
tted to the N-terminal domain via a domain-spanning alpha -helix.