The transformation of normal cells to a malignant state has long been detec
ted by light microscopy as visible changes in nuclear morphology. These cha
nges include abnormal nuclear shape, increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio
, and the presence of additional and abnormal nucleoli. Metaplasia,dysplasi
a, carcinoma-in-situ, and gross malignant tumors are diagnosed and graded p
athologically by this traditional method. The resulting relative increase i
n DNA concentration within these cells produces a greater affinity for Hema
toxilyn and Eosin staining, and thus, the characteristic blue color of canc
erous tissues. As understanding of the cell structure expanded, the nuclear
matrix emerged as an integral component of genetic processing and therefor
e, became an important cellular Entity for study of malignant transformatio
n. Also, several types of cancer have revealed discreet alterations in thei
r respective nuclear matrices. One potential application of these nuclear m
atrix changes is development of detection and monitoring tests that would r
eveal the presence of abnormal cells. These tests could be utilized at a nu
mber of points in the disease process including prior to gross physical sym
ptoms, and thereby significantly reduce patient morbidity and mortality. A
second potential application of the nuclear matrix is to utilize it as a ti
ssue specific protein targeting system to address narrowly directed therape
utic treatments, and thereby avoid the systemic side effects from broad-spe
ctrum therapies like radiation. This paper addresses the role of the nuclea
r matrix in both normal cells and transformed cells, and highlights several
research efforts that have advanced the ability to detect, track, and pote
ntially treat neoplasms at the molecular level, (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.