A 43 year old woman who underwent a hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oop
horectomy for secondary dysmenorrhoea was found to have bilateral ovarian e
ndometriosis. During the following four years she developed a series of tum
ourlike vaginal masses, which were locally excised, a pelvic mass causing a
cute large bowel obstruction, which necessitated an emergency Hartmann's pr
ocedure, and a further pelvic mass causing hydronephrosis with a non-functi
oning kidney. Pathological examination of all the resected specimens showed
endometriosis with abundant stromal and glandular elements. Immunoreactivi
ty for p53 protein was detected within endometriotic foci from the initial
oophorectomy as well as the latest resection specimens. Immunostaining for
p53 may help identify potentially aggressive cases of endometriosis for pro
active treatment.