The 23-year-old Caucasian male propositus presented with symptomatic hyperc
alcemia, hypophosphatemia and normocalciuria for 2 months. His 29-year-old
brother had under-gone an operation for recurrent parathyroid adenoma at ag
e 26 and 28. No other member of the family was affected. His father and mot
her were second-degree relatives. Laboratory studies showed primary hyperpa
rathyroidism (pHPT), while the remaining endocrine studies and genetic test
ing for multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 and 2A were normal. Technetium-cardi
olite scintigraphy and ultrasound scans revealed a parathyroid mass at the
left lower neck. Apart from bilateral hearing loss due to gentamicin treatm
ent as a pre-term child, the patient was in of good health. Signs or sympto
ms of other endocrinopathies were absent. The patient was referred for para
thyroidectomy with subsequent autotransplantation of the remaining glands i
nto his sternocleidomastoid muscle. Histological examination revealed an ad
enoma with oncocytic differentiation, similar to that seen in his brother.
The disease may follow a recessive mode of inheritance or may be due to a d
ominant germ-cell mutation in one of the parents. The presented case may ul
timately help in elucidating the molecular genetic basis of this rare form
of pHPT.