This study explored the issue of potential discrimination based on terminol
ogy regarding stuttering. Two survey forms were written to include a paragr
aph description of a hypothetical person who stutters. The paragraph descri
ption was followed by a list of nine trait pairs with a 7-point Likert rati
ng scale. These two forms differed only in the terminology that was used to
inform the reader that the person stuttered. One form used the word "stutt
erer," the other used "noun + who stutters" and "noun + has had a stutterin
g problem." These forms were alternated in a stack and then distributed to
undergraduate college students in general education classes. Analysis of th
e 544 completed forms revealed that subjects rated the two paragraphs simil
arly, with no significant difference between the forms of terminology used.
Females rated the character traits on both forms more favorably than did t
he male raters. Educational Objectives. The reader will learn and be able t
o discuss (1) the negative character traits attributed to persons who stutt
er, (2) the rationale of person-first terminology policies, and (3) the emp
irical support for such policies. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights