The interaction of a laser-induced cavitation bubble with an elastic bounda
ry and its dependence on the distance between bubble and boundary are inves
tigated experimentally. The elastic boundary consists of a transparent poly
acrylamide (PAA) gel with 80% water concentration with elastic modulus E =
0.25 MPa. At this E-value, the deformation and rebound of the boundary is v
ery pronounced providing particularly interesting features of bubble dynami
cs. It is shown by means of highspeed photography with up to 5 million fram
es s(-1) that bubble splitting, formation of liquid jets away from and towa
rds the boundary, and jet-like ejection of the boundary material into the L
iquid are the main features of this interaction. The maximum liquid jet vel
ocity measured was 960m s(-1). Such high-velocity jets penetrate the elasti
c boundary even through a water layer of 0.35 mm thickness. The jetting beh
aviour arises from the interaction between the counteracting forces induced
by the rebound of the elastic boundary and the Bjerknes attraction force t
owards the boundary. General principles of the formation of annular and axi
al jets are discussed which allow the interpretation of the complex dynamic
s. The concept of the Kelvin impulse is examined with regard to bubble migr
ation and jet formation. The results are discussed with respect to cavitati
on erosion: collateral damage in laser surgery, and cavitation-mediated enh
ancement of pulsed laser ablation of tissue.