We describe a parameterization of cloud drop effective radius R, developed
for drizzling marine stratocumulus clouds. The parameterization was derived
using data from the CIMMS LES model with explicit formulation of drop size
resolving microphysics. We showed that in the case of moderate drizzle an
accurate parameterization of R, in the 8 divided by 20 mum radius range can
be obtained on the basis of two microphysical variables: liquid water cont
ent and drop concentration. For heavy drizzle, only a three-variable parame
terization proves to be sufficiently accurate. We developed two versions of
the parameterization. The first one is based on traditional cloud microphy
sical prognostic variables representing partial moments of the drop distrib
ution function: cloud water content, drizzle water content, and cloud drop
concentration. The second one is based on the full moments of the drop size
distribution function: drop concentration, total liquid water content, and
radar reflectivity. The first version of the parameterization is rather se
nsitive to the value of the threshold radius that divides cloud and drizzle
water. As a result, the errors are larger than in the second full moment v
ersion. it is concluded that a three-variable full moment parameterization
provides the most accurate representation of effective radius in precipitat
ing stratocumulus cloud layers.