In many geophysical flows the passage of a turbulent fluid over a wavy surf
ace significantly affects quantities of interest, such as momentum flux, mi
xing and transport of scalars. Large-eddy simulation is used here to invest
igate neutrally stratified flow over a wavy bed. A wavy surface tends to or
ganize the turbulent flow by imposing its wavelength and phase on the near-
wall field. Both instantaneous turbulent structures and turbulence statisti
cs provide evidence of this organization. For example, a vortex identificat
ion method applied to the instantaneous flow field reveals streamwise vorti
ces that are locked into a phase relationship with the wavy boundary. These
vortices may be linked to a Gortler instability mechanism caused by the wa
vy wall. Statistical analyses are also presented to gain insights into the
effect of the wavy surface. In particular, we compare the effects of three
different hill heights. Finally, a brief analysis of the components of drag
is given.