An investigation of variants within the porous media transport models is pr
esented in this work. Four major categories in modeling the transport proce
sses through porous media, namely constant porosity, variable porosity, the
rmal dispersion, and local thermal nonequilibrium, are analyzed in detail.
The main objective of the current study is to compare these variances in mo
dels for each of the four categories and establish conditions leading to co
nvergence or divergence among different models. To analyze the effects of v
ariants within these transport models, a systematic reduction and sensitivi
ty investigation for each of these four aspects is presented. The effects o
f the Darcy number, inertia parameters, Reynolds number, porosity, particle
diameter, and the fluid-to-solid conductivity ratio on the variances withi
n each of the four areas are analyzed. It is shown that for some cases the
variances within different models have a negligible effects on the results
while for some cases the variations can become significant. In general, the
variances have a more pronounced effect on the velocity field and a substa
ntially smaller effect on the temperature field and Nusselt number distribu