The aim of this study was to use time-resolved functional magnetic resonanc
e imaging (fMRI) to investigate temporal differences in the activation of t
he supplementary motor area (SMA) and the primary motor cortex (M1). We rep
ort data from eight human volunteers who underwent fMRI examinations in a 1
.5T Philips Gyroscan ACS-NT MRI scanner. While wearing a contact glove, sub
jects executed a complex automated sequence of finger movements either spon
taneously or in response to external auditory cues. Based on the result of
a functional scout scan, a single slice that included the M1 and the SMA wa
s selected for image acquisition (echo planar imaging, repetition time 100
ms, echo time 50 ms, 64 X 64 matrix, 1,000 images). Data were analyzed with
a shifting crosscorrelation approach using the STIMULATE program and in-ho
use programs written in Interactive Data Language (IDLTM). Time-course data
were generated for regions of interest in the M1 as well as in the rostral
and caudal SMA. Mean time between onset of the finger movement sequence an
d half-maximum of the signal change in M1 was 3.6 s for the externally cued
execution (SD 0.5) and 3.5 s for the spontaneous execution (SD 0.6). Activ
ation in the rostral section of the SMA occurred 0.7 s earlier than it did
in the M1 during the externally cued execution and 2.0 s earlier during the
spontaneous execution, a difference significant at the P < 0.01 level. Our
results indicate that rostral SMA activation precedes M1 activation by var
ying time intervals in the sub-second range that are determined by the mode
of movement initialization. By applying a paradigm that exerts a different
ial influence on temporal activation, we could ensure that the observed tim
ing differences were not the result of differences in hemodynamic response