The 10th International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) introduced t
he concept of mixed anxiety-depression to define patients presenting b
oth anxiety and depressive symptoms of limited number and/or intensity
, not sufficiently severe to fulfill criteria for a specific diagnosis
of depressive or anxiety disorder. Epidemiologic surveys have shown t
hat these patients may display significant levels of functional impair
ment, have unexplained somatic symptoms and a high use of nonpsychiatr
ic medical care, have long-lasting symptoms, and are at risk for more
severe psychiatric disorders. A DSM-IV field trial concluded that pati
ents with affective symptoms not meeting thresholds for DSM-III-R diso
rders were at least as common as patients with anxiety or mood disorde
rs, and that their symptoms were associated with significant distress
or impairment. Although some of these patients present residual sympto
ms from previous psychiatric episodes and may request treatment specif
ic to these conditions, it is not known if those without a psychiatric
history could benefit from pharmacologic or psychological treatments
usually used in mild outpatient cases.