Sixteen HIV-1 seropositive individuals participated in a single-blind, plac
ebo-controlled, cross-over-design study of the effectiveness of 30 mg/day o
f methytphenidate (MPH) in the treatment of HIV-associated cognitive slowin
g. Regression analyses revealed that participants who entered the study wit
h a greater degree of either depressive symptomatology or cognitive slowing
tended to demonstrate a better response to MPH on computerized measures of
choice and dual-task reaction time. Participants without evidence of cogni
tive slowing at study entry did not show greater improvement on MPH than on
placebo. Contrary to expectation, symptoms of depression did not respond;r
d better to MPH than to placebo, regardless of initial symptomatology. Info
rmation processing slowing in HIV-I infection therefore appears amenable to
pharmacologic intervention with the dopamine agonist MPH. However, results
suggest clinicians should consider reserving the use of MPH for patients w
ith more pronounced cognitive and affective deficits.