The population of European mouflon (Ovis musimon Pallas) established on an
island of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago is characterized by a dem
ographic cycle. Every 2-5 years, there is a massive winter mortality due to
food shortage. A good knowledge of food resources utilization appeared ess
ential to understand the population growth dynamics. We investigated the va
lidity of the microhistological analysis of feces by a comparative analysis
of 30 paired rumen and fecal samples collected in winter. Sixteen and 17 f
ood items were identified respectively in rumen and fecal samples. Most fra
gments could be accurately determined because plant diversity was low. Both
methods gave similar results Though quantitative differences appeared betw
een methods for some items, the same 4 major food constituents were identif
ied in relatively close proportions in both rumen and fecal samples. There
is a risk of slight overestimation of annual meadow-grass (Poa annua L,) an
d mosses in feces, and of Azorella selago Hook, f. in the rumen.