Scattering and spectral broadening of a monochromatic sound wave by atmosph
eric turbulence that is flowing with a uniform constant horizontal wind is
considered. The acoustic source and a detector are at rest and at different
positions in a ground-fixed frame. Analytic expressions are derived for th
e sound pressure scattered to the detector by a single eddy. Since distance
s and the scattering angle change with time as the eddy flows through the s
cattering volume, the detector signal has time-dependent amplitude and freq
uency, for which general formulas are derived. A computer code is developed
that calculates the scattered signal and its Fourier transform from a sing
le eddy, or from a steady-state collection of eddies of many different scal
e lengths that represents isotropic homogeneous turbulence flowing with the
wind. The code utilizes a time-shift algorithm that reduces the calculatio
n time substantially. Several numerical results from this code are presente
d, including simulations of a recent experiment. The predicted spectral sha
pe, including peak width and jaggedness, are in good agreement with experim
ent. (C) 2001 Acoustical Society of America.